Difference Between Clipart and Picture
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Clip Art can be anything from a piece of stock photography, drawings or movie. These can be used to illustrate a point or concept in your documents. Word art enables you to create amazing and unique word art with ease. We can also say ClipArt is animated pictures and WordArt is like animated words.
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The Clip Art is pictures and Word Art is text. They both could be elegant or cartoony, but one is pictures of almost anything and the Word Art just designed text. WordArt and ClipArt are the same features available in other Microsoft programs such as Word. WordArt and ClipArt can be applied to Excel worksheets.
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The Clip Art is pictures and Word Art is text. They both could be elegant or cartoony, but one is pictures of almost anything and the Word Art just designed text. WordArt and ClipArt are the same features available in other Microsoft programs such as Word. WordArt and ClipArt can be applied to Excel worksheets.
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The Clip Art is pictures and Word Art is text.
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The Clip Art is pictures and Word Art is text.
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Clip Art can be anything from a piece of stock photography, drawings or movie. These can be used to illustrate a point or concept in your documents. Word art enables you to create amazing and unique word art with ease. We can also say ClipArt is animated pictures and WordArt is like animated words.
- Answered by:
Clip Art can be anything from a piece of stock photography, drawings or movie. These can be used to illustrate a point or concept in your documents. Word art enables you to create amazing and unique word art with ease. We can also say ClipArt is animated pictures and WordArt is like animated words.
- Answered by:
Clip Art can be anything from a piece of stock photography, drawings or movie. These can be used to illustrate a point or concept in your documents. Word art enables you to create amazing and unique word art with ease. We can also say ClipArt is animated pictures and WordArt is like animated words.
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Clip Art can be anything from a piece of stock photography, drawings or movie. These can be used to illustrate a point or concept in your documents. Word art enables you to create amazing and unique word art with ease.
- Answered by:
The Clip Art is pictures and Word Art is text. They both could be elegant or cartoony, but one is pictures of almost anything and the Word Art just designed text. WordArt and ClipArt are the same features available in other Microsoft programs such as Word. WordArt and ClipArt can be applied to Excel worksheets.
- Answered by:
Clip Art can be anything from a piece of stock photography, drawings or movie. These can be used to illustrate a point or concept in your documents. Word art enables you to create amazing and unique word art with ease. We can also say ClipArt is animated pictures and WordArt is like animated words.
- Answered by: Pallavi G. from Mumbai
Clipart-animated picture Wordart-animated words
- Answered by: Surendra S. from Delhi
ClipArt is all about clip animation (animated pictures) while WordArt deals with text animation.
- Answered by: Anonymous from Pune
Use wordArt for animated texts/words. Use clipArt for animated pictures.
- Answered by:
Clip Art can be anything from a piece of stock photography, drawings or movie. These can be used to illustrate a point or concept in your documents.
Word art enables you to create amazing and unique word art with ease.
We can also say ClipArt is animated pictures and WordArt is like animated words.
- Answered by: Soumya from Howrah
Clip art is set of preinstalled animated images provided by Microsoft in its Office Package
While wordart are stylish text format which can be customized according to our requirement.
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Clip art is set of images provided by Microsoft office , which can be used in the document . Word art is stylish text styles provided by Microsoft office.
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Clipart- animated picture wordart-animated word
- Answered by: Sindhu S. from Chennai
ClipArt is animated pictures and WordArt is like animated words.
- Answered by: Neelam S. from Delhi
ClipArt is a temporary Storage location which hold the CUT,COPY and PASTE Data. whereas wordart is the section from where we can insert text data in different style. Thanks Neelam Sharma
Difference Between Clipart and Picture
Source: https://www.learnpick.in/questions/details/23876/what-is-the-difference-between-clipart-and-wordart
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