7 Day Fat Shredding Diet

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  • No Calorie Counting Or Weighing Your Food

    Nobody wants to have to weigh and measure their food and track calories 24/7 and so you don't have to with this plan as we have designed it be as stress free as possible and to make weight loss REAL simple and EASY to follow.

  • Flexibility To Include Your Favourite Foods

    How many diets have you tried that have made you give up your favourite foods? Well, we have made it is possible for you to be able to lose weight and still indulge in some of those treats; and so our plan shows you how you can reach your weight loss goals and still keep those favourite foods in your diet.

  • Plan, Prep, Eat, Repeat

    This plan has a simple 7 day format that can repeated or cycled and we will show you how to not only put meal plans together but how to include lots of healthy variety into too.

How it works...............

The Seven Day Shred is designed to be a short-term effective weight loss plan that you can go back to at any point if you feel you need too. Along the way, you will learn what foods will help you to maintain a healthy weight with high energy levels and eliminate junk food cravings effectively.

The plan is in 3 easy stages

1 - Follow the colour coded, easy to follow Seven Day Shred Meal Planner for 7 Days

2 - On day 8 start over again and cycle plan until your goal weight is achieved

3 - Repeat diet whenever you need to if body weight should creep up due to a great vacation, a period of inactivity, etc

The Seven Day Shred contains different meal planners depending on whether you have less than 20 lbs to lose, 20 - 40 lbs to lose, or over 50 lbs to lose to reach your goal weight. Each of the three easy to follow colour coded Seven Day Shred planners have all the 4 phases in it but they differ slightly because our bodies requirements are not the same depending on our weight, this is caused by altered hormone function and there is a lot more information about this in the 101 page Seven Day Shred e-book.


$ 19.97CAD

The Complete 101 Page 7 Day Shred E-Book

Step By Step Guide To Each Phase

Easy to follow colour coded meal planner

Complete Food List, Grocery Tips & Recipes

Sample Meal Planning Suggestions For Each Phase

Workouts That Will Tone, Sculpt & Burn Body Fat

Nutrition & Calorie Tracker & Goal Planning Sheet

Insider Tips On How To Stay Motivated & On Track

Interactive Facebook Group Sharing Videos, Insider Tips, Motivation & Accountability

(IMPORTANT NOTE - After the purchase is complete Paypal will redirect you to the eBook download page. You do not need a Paypal account to use Paypal)

Unleash The Body Fat & Years Of Toxic Build Up


Detox Smoothies

Our smoothie recipes and videos not only provide you with the tools to rid your body of toxins, but their ingredient combinations are uber nutritious and will help boost your energy levels too.


Buddy Workouts

Success rates and adherence levels are higher when you work out with a friend or buddy; and so check out our partner workouts that will make your exercise routine more fun.


Easy Meals

You will get a comprehensive list of foods and easy to follow meal suggestions to ensure that each phase is easy to follow. Sign up for our "180 Premium" and get customized meal plans.


Ripped & Lean Workouts

We are not counting calories, but included are workouts that match your nutrient intake, that do not require gym membership but which will MAXIMIZE your FAT LOSS and get you RESULTS!


Sleep Deprivation

Did you know that poor sleep habits are a #1 reason for binge eating and sweet cravings? We will show you how to sleep smarter and sleep your way to skinny.


Reduce Stress Reduce Fat

Cortisol levels rise around 5% after eating a meal, but if you are overweight it can rise by over 51% which will affect your ability to sleep and will deposit excess fat around your mid-rift.


Desserts To Die For

We promised that you would not have to eliminate your favourite foods from this program, and that is true, but we will give you lots of dessert and sweet options that are super healthy too.


Banish Sugar Cravings

Sugar addiction is REAL! But sugar is not only making you sick and fat; it is negatively affecting your ability to handle stress; it stops you from sleeping and is affecting your brain.

Do You Know The Reasons Why We Struggle to Lose Weight?

Believe it or not, and don't scream at your laptop, or send me a nasty email, but it is actually easy to lose weight.
BUT, so many of you struggle day after day to find the solution that works for you.
So, we have a simple formula that you can fully customize and it is a formula that REALLY WORKS!

Do you want to lose that last 10lbs, maybe 20lbs, 30lbs, 50lbs, 100lbs or more?

How would you feel if you slept better & woke up fully rested?

Is lack of willpower &  sugar cravings a constant problem?

Do you feel exhausted all the time & want to boost your energy levels?

Does gas, and bloating & digestive issues make you uncomfortable?

Want to lose that muffin top, or drop a dress/pant size with ease?

Get clear skin and fewer skin breakouts, acne & blemishes.

Would you like better mental clarity & more focus?

Who doesn't want to reduce physical & emotional stress levels?.

Are unexplained headaches more frequent than you would like?

Are joint pains preventing you from moving as comfortably as you would like?

Do you feel sluggish way too often & feel like you need a way to safely detox?

"You cannot lose weight to get healthy, you have to get healthy to lose weight"

So this plan will show you how you can lose weight without resorting to quick fixes or buying into some promised magic pills, body wraps or potions.

You will find out how it is possible to eat real food and still lose weight and feel energized!

You will get the body healthy by ridding it of all of those years of built up toxins.

And you get a simple formula that you can fully customize to you and it is a formula that REALLY WORKS!

As you can see below the Seven Day Shred is broken down into four easy to follow stages, which incorporate different elements of nutrition and exercise through each phase to stimulate the body to let go of those unwanted lbs that have you have been holding onto for so long!

The Seven Day Shred is designed to be cycled through as many times as are required for you to lose those excess lbs. Along the way, you will form healthier eating and exercise habits that will set you up for a new healthier, sustainable lifestyle. If you should find the weight creeps up a little over time, or after the holidays, then just restart the Seven Day Shred and regain that normal weight quickly. The Seven Day Shred is designed to be a tool in your healthy toolbox, not a quick fix plan that you have to keep continually spending your hard earnt $$ to buy yet more shakes and body wraps.

detox cells


Health is created at a cellular level, and if you don't feed and fuel the body from a cellular level, then your body thinks that it is starving.
And for this reason, you cannot simply just "detox" the body.

You have to get it ready for the process by de-stressing the digestive system, and getting it primed and ready for the detox process.

So this phase is super important as the foods will relax your gut and make the whole detox process way easier and more effective.

detox phase 2


Once the digestive system has been primed and is now relaxed, it will be more receptive to the detox processes.

This phase will last 2 days and the recommended foods will boost and support your liver health.

A detox will not happen in just 2 days, as years of built up food bourne and environmental toxins can take a long time to flush out, but this phase will encourage your body to decrease inflammation caused by those toxins and to begin to rebuild health.

body fat


Now that we have the digestive system relaxed, and your body is now happy to eliminate some of those toxins, we now want your body to release some of those body fat stores.

So this is your "fat mobilization" phase where your body will release the fat stores from your fat cells and use those fat stores for energy.

And when we have efficient fat cells, our body will manage our blood sugar levels better and you will have less insulin dysregulation.



For any health and nutrition program to be successful, it is vitally important for the body not to perceive your nutrition changes as "deprivation" and so this final phase provides hormone balancing in the form of "re-feeding" the body.

But re-feeding is not binge eating or overindulging, but it is strategically fueling the body to encourage positive body composition changes and weight loss, at the same time as still allowing you to enjoy a dessert or glass of wine.....


Click here to buy The Seven Day Shred e-Book now!

REAL People with REAL Struggles but with REAL Results

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Finally After Years Of No Success

I struggled for years and years, trying diet after diet to lose the weight, and nothing worked; until I began working with Karen and Richard who showed me that nutrition doesn't have to be complicated and that their protocols allow you to cycle the plan and to take time off for social events or holidays, without any negative effects or weight gain. And these were my 6-week progress photos.

This Plan Is Not Just For Womenwatches

I lost 50lbs and went down 5 pant sizes. Dropping so much weight means I can move around easier, and I have way more energy to run around after my grandkids and it means that I can keep up with them now.


FOUR yes FOUR pregnancies later!

My weight rose to a whopping 204.2lbs during my fourth pregnancy and didn't think after having so many children that I would ever be able to get back to my pre-baby weight, but I did it, losing all of those 58.2lbs and 31.2lbs of body fat; and I am so thrilled with the results.

I Learned That It Wasn't Just The Number On The Scale That Mattered


These were my 12 week progress pictures; I had only lost 10lbs at the time the photo was taken, but I learned new posture techniques; I have more energy; I am sleeping better; and I still continue on my improved health journey and am loving how my body changes more than the number on the scales.

To find out more about the Seven Day Shred listen to this episode of the Healthy Half Hour Podcast

Buy it now!


$ 19.97CAD

The Complete 101 Page 7 Day Shred E-Book

Step By Step Guide To Each Phase

Easy to follow colour coded meal planner

Complete Food List, Grocery Tips & Recipes

Meal Planning Suggestions For Each Phase

Workouts That Will Tone, Sculpt & Burn Body Fat

Nutrition & Calorie Tracker & Goal Planning Sheet

Interactive Facebook Group Sharing Videos, Insider Tips, Motivation & Accountability

(IMPORTANT NOTE - After the purchase is complete PayPal will redirect you to the eBook download page. You do not need a Paypal account to use Paypal)

7 Day Fat Shredding Diet

Source: https://www.sevendayshred.com/

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